15:41 | 30.03.17 | News | 16008

    Rostelecom announces contest for students

    Rostelecom has announced a symposium-contest on “Digital and analogue electronics” and “Telecommunications and broadcasting” topics.

    The contest is realized in cooperation with the Career Center and Faculty of Management and Technology of the National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia, and is designed for students of 1-4 courses in bachelor program and those in master’s program.

    The best articles and works will receive prizes from Rostelecom and National University of Architecture and Construction.

    To get admitted to the contest, the students should send their articles and scientific work to the Chair of Informatics, Computer Science and Management until April 21.

    The articles will be published after the symposium-contest ends.

    The students who have questions about the contest can contact the University’s Career Center by dialing (010) 58-01-56.