Telcell informed that starting from today it is no longer possible to pay for Beeline services at Telcell terminals.
The company apologized to clients for the inconvenience.
“That was a unilateral decision by Beeline. They even ceased admission of payment for fixed phone connection and internet, which wasn’t up for negotiations.
We inform that now customers can pay for Beeline services only in Telcell branches at Beeline offices. It is no longer possible to make payments in self-service centers, connected to Telcell processing center, as well as in our other branches, terminals throughout Armenia and NKR, sales points at supermarkets, and our partner banks,” the company’s statement reads.
Negotiations with Beeline are underway, and Telcell hopes to solve the issue quickly.
“Telcell is always open to the dialogue, compromise and cooperation. During its 10-year activity on the digital payment market Telcell remained loyal to the policy of making customer service affordable and payment procedure convenient,” the company noted.
It’s worth reminding that yesterday Beeline announced it ceased payment for services through TelCell, Idram and EasyPay payment terminals due to “unequal commission charge policy”