15:17 | 03.02.17 | News | 23880

    Armenian Roofbot is featured as Free App of the Week on AppStore

    Roofbot classical puzzle game, developed by Armenian Koreez, was recognized throughout the world as Free App of the Week on AppStore.

    CEO and Co-founder at Koreez Sargis Sargsyan told Itel.am about this.

    The game is also available on Google Play.

    The main hero of the game moves different geometric objects and is supposed to put them on the proper places. The most interesting part of the game is the architecture, which changes as the robot moves. Target audience of the app involves people from 18 to 35, interested in puzzle games.

    Let us note that the game was featured by Apple in Best New Games category in November of 2016. The game took the 4th position on AppStore in USA, China and Canada.