11:47 | 24.11.16 | News | 11976

AUA EPIC Startup Incubator accepts applications

Entrepreneurship and Product Innovation Center (EPIC) of American University of Armenia (AUA) started accepting applications for participation in startup incubation program.

Applications are due on December 12, 2016. Application form is available here.

Teams should involve at least one current AUA student or at least half of the teams should be AUA graduates. The teams will be provided with shared working space and computers on campus, advice and guidance from experienced mentors and coachers, as well as intellectual property and legal advice. They will also get the opportunity to use the potential of the Prototyping Lab at AUA.

Teams, selected from the first phase, will be admitted to the summer program, allowing them to focus intensely on developing their products and services. At this stage EPIC will also provide a summer stipend to each member of the admitted team with the possibility of being awarded a seed grant to develop their startup further.

The AUA EPIC is the first university-based entrepreneurship center in Armenia to fully devote its resources and facilities to the startup incubation process on a university-wide level.