17:48 | 11.11.16 | News | 15346

    Ralph Yirikian attaches importance to The Future for Global Armenians is now initiative

    VivaCell-MTS General Manager Ralph Yirikian spoke about The Future for Global Armenians is now initiative at “Interview” information and analytical program on Armenian Public TV Channel on November 10.

    Ralph Yirikian considers this initiative to be a platform for discussions on issues relating consolidation of statehood and the problems that Armenians worldwide face, such as dangers of assimilation of Armenians and loss of national identity. VivaCell-MTS General Manager attached special importance to preservation of Armenian language and national upbringing of young people.

    Ralph Yirikian suggested persons concerned about the future of Armenian nation to gather and give their vision of the future, and search for efforts and solutions. During the interview, Ralph Yirikian also touched upon the importance of overcoming divides within the Diaspora.