13:45 | 02.11.16 | News | 12359

    Panarmenian Media Group responds to Rostelecom’s announcement

    Panarmenian Media Group came up with an announcement in response to Rostelecom’s announcement the other day, according to which Panarmenian Media Group suspended from November 1 the broadcast contract of Armenia, ATV, ArmNews channels of Hybrid Solution LLC provided by Rostelecom network.

    “Panarmenian Media Group started broad negotiations process with cable television operators, aimed at protection of interests of creative groups that carry out TV product broadcasting of Armenia, ATV, ArmNews channels. For years cable operators have taken production of our TV channels for free and sold them. We always took the situation with understanding, because we attached importance to our social responsibility in making our TV product available for the widest public possible.
    It is a fact nowadays, that owing to digitized broadcasting, every Armenian citizen has the opportunity to watch our programs in high quality and for free, which motivates us.  Consequently, we now call on our partners that provide cable services to either stop paid broadcasting or coordinate conditions with us. We are thankful to all our partners for accepting the importance of the problem and express hope that negotiations process aimed at the solutions will not take long,” Panarmenian Media Group announcement reads.