13:10 | 27.10.16 | News | 11718

    U!Pay virtual wallet is available for download

    The U!Pay virtual wallet created by Ucom with the support of IDRAM is available for download from App Store and Play Store. The download is free of charge.

    U!Pay enables users to proceed not only with the payments for Ucom fixed and mobile services, but also perform the utility payments, loan repayments, taxes and duties, as well as road police fines payments directly from a smartphone, regardless of user location.

    In order to access the application one should sign in to the U!Pay system for just once; and to proceed with the payments it is required to recharge the wallet via one of the applicable means.

    It is possible to attach up to 10 ArCa, MASTERCARD and VISA cards, issued by the banks of RA, to the virtual wallet, or make payments by choosing one of the cards as means of the payment. The details of the attached credit cards are preserved in ArCa system, which has PCI DSS (Payment Card Data Security Standard) international sertificate for payment cards' data storage.