14:56 | 05.09.16 | News | 13698

Rostelecom presents Trio Student package

Rostelecom held the official presentation of its offer for students in Yerevan and marzes today at the head sales office in Republic Square.

“Times of studentship are the brightest and the most active part of our lives, when free communication and unforgettable expressions come one after another. I can say with confidence now that modern technologies make an integral part in students’ lives, be that for studying, communicating or organizing their leisure. Taking into account this factor among others, we developed a completely new offer, which will make the lives of students and their families simpler and brighter. New Trio Student offer is based on a number of marketing researches, and I am sure that students will gladly use our new package,” said Rostelecom Armenia General Director Hayk Faramazyan.

Trio Student package allows students not only to use the company’s most demanded package, but also receive additional opportunities.

You can subscribe to the package until November 1, presenting your student ID or a coupon, which will be provided to students exclusively.