15:59 | 03.08.16 | News | 6894

    VivaCell-MTS holds Open Doors Day

    Twenty 12-16 year-old students of the IAB International Academy of Business Summer School for Young Leaders Program visited VivaCell-MTS headquarters.

    During an interactive meeting the Company’s General Manager Ralph Yirikian introduced the guests to the managerial culture in VivaCell-MTS, the success story of the Company, the values and beliefs it is guided by throughout its activities, and answered the questions of the students.

    Later the students had the opportunity to learn more about the basics of mobile communications technology and to see how it works by visiting the major centers of operation of VivaCell-MTS – the Call Center, the Core Unit with its Switch Section - the center of network management, and the Service Center. VivaCell-MTS General Manager told the children about how mobile communication is set up, how the signal is transmitted and how connection is made between subscribers.

    “It is always a pleasure to witness the excitement of young people to learn something new, to develop and grow. One of our most valuable assets is the experience, which we have gained throughout these years, and we are always willing to share it with those who are paving their way to success,” VivaCell-MTS General Manager Ralph Yirikian said.

    In the scope of the Summer School 2016 program, the International Academy of Business (IAB) students learn English, entrepreneurship and business education, as well as project management and visit many companies for their personal development and growth. The main goal of this exceptional transformative program of entrepreneurship and business education is to lead children from idea generation to their very first start up by exposing them to the concepts of leadership, great ideas, start-ups, successful companies, finance and marketing.

    Project Management for Young Leaders focuses on the key project management knowledge areas and process groups to help children work on real life projects from initiating through execution.