06:54 | 06.07.16 | Articles | exclusive 16977

Mathuk. Learn math through an app

“Mathuk” math teaching free online testing app was launched.

The app is available in Google Play and has around 400 users.

Talking to Itel.am, the app founder Davit Nikoghosyan said that the app is targeted to 10+ audiences that want to improve their math skills.

Mathuk supports multilingual teaching- Armenian, Russian, English, Spanish and French.

The app includes theoretic material, dynamic problems that change the demands constantly, testing system (the answers are checked immediately and the user gets the result (right/wrong)). It is also possible to use hints: the result will be lower in case of using hints. The answers become available only after solving the problem correctly.

Apart from individual indicators there is also overall country ranking in the app.

Davit Nikoghosyan said that it is expected to add online exam function in the future.

iOS will also be ready in the future.

Narine Daneghyan