08:34 | 27.06.16 | News | 4395

    Ucom acquired the exclusive rights to broadcast «Grand Slam» tournament over Cable-TV

    Ucom has acquired the exclusive rights to broadcast the matches of «Grand Slam» tennis tournament over the cable television network in Armenia. The first part of the tournament is Wimbledon, the tennis tournament of all-English club, which is possible to enjoy via Eurosport channels from June 27 to July 10.

    “Wimbledon, as always, is brought to you as a world of elegance, where style and exquisite taste prevail, where cool-headedness, self-possession, and endurance rule. Our customers will witness the best all-English tradition tennis”, noted Hayk Yesayan, the chief executive officer of Ucom.

    In this period the Ucom subscribers will have a chance to participate in company’s Facebook page quiz, the winner of which will be selected randomly and will receive a nice present from Eurosport channel.