07:07 | 25.04.16 | News | exclusive 7121

    Winners of NASA Space Apps Challenge hackathon in Armenia are known

    The results of the first local Armenian hackathon in the framework of NASA Space Apps Challenge 2016 were summed up on April 23.

    A representative of Armenian hackathon, co-founder and CEO of X-Tech Creative Studios Arman Atoyan informed Itel.am that 11 teams participated in the 24-hour hackathon held at Byurakan Observatory.

    Mars Live project was declared the winner of the hackathon.

    The team created a mobile application that allows to make a simulation of human colony on Mars.

    Users can view their location on Mars by GPS system, receive and make suggestions, and communicate with other app users. The application utilizes a number of APIs and gathers large amounts of necessary information.

    According to Arman Atoyan, Softline company gifted Samsung Galaxy S7 and GearVR headset to the winning team.

    Peperoni team, which presented two projects, took the second place.

    The first project is a data platform serving as a drone-controller, designed to ensure drones’ safety during the flight.

    The second project is a special musical application to monitor the heart performance of space travellers.

    Ultimate Space Simulator project took the 3rd place.

    The team used Unreal Engine 4 to develop a simulation of the travel to Mars, creating a colony on Mars in 3D environment.

    Narine Daneghyan