13:06 | 23.04.16 | News | 4181

    Beeline to cooperate with SOS Children’s Villages

    Beeline and SOS Children’s Villages Charity Foundation announce the launch of cooperation that will include implementation of “IT skills for young people” program.

    The program aims to give the youth in marzes an opportunity to gain knowledge on modern technologies and trends of their development, as well as assist young people in choosing profession.

    In the framework of the program, a computer room will be opened in Ijevan branch of SOS Children’s Villages Charity Foundation, where young people will take lessons on web and graphic design.
    “Digital technologies play a pivotal role in achieving success. As a leading communication operator of Armenia, Beeline attaches great importance to programs of development of IT knowledge, particularly among the youth. Owing to this joint program with SOS Children’s Villages Charity Foundation, young people in Tavush marz will have an opportunity to gain new technological knowledge and skills which will be useful in education and work, and will help them build a future, improving their lives,” noted Beeline Armenia CEO Andrey Pyatakhin.

    Web and graphic design lessons will be carried out in four phases during one year. 60 young people from socially disadvantaged families will take part in the program.