08:48 | 19.04.16 | Girls in Tech | exclusive 36438

Girls in Tech. Narine Yeghiazaryan

We pictured exclusively a man when saying “IT specialist in Armenia” a few years ago, but the success of Armenian technological products on international markets and numerous projects promoting startups development made the industry more attractive for women as well in recent times.

Whether it’s writing code, developing products or making other contribution to the team, the opportunities are numerous.

Itel.am presents Armenian women engaged in IT industry in the “Girls in Tech” series.

Narine Yeghiazaryan is the founder of NaKo Games working in Armenia. The company has made 15 mobile games by this moment, with total number of downloads of over 4 mln.

From Brusov University to technologies

I graduated from Brusov Linguistic University, but I work in graphic design. I began working as a content manager at Enterprise Incubator Foundation in 2010. Since I had to place pictures on the website along with texts, I started learning Photoshop and specialized in graphic design. Gradually learning cobwebs of the industry, I founded my own startup as a result.

Photo: Mediamax

NaKo Games are dress up category games, they target under 25 years old girls. You can change the characters’ outfits and hairstyles in the game, getting the desired look. We have 15,000 active users daily and 250,000 per month.

Apart from graphic design, I manage the whole team. I’m not a programmer, I don’t write code. I’m fond of html language, but I don’t think that knowledge of code writing is a necessary condition in this industry.

The number of women in technology industry is small not only in Armenia, but in the whole world. Perhaps, the reason is that women dedicate more attention to personal, family matters.

I find time for everything

Startup is like a baby, it requires full-day care, you have to always pay attention. I work from home at the moment, trying to combine family and work. I also manage to take care of myself, I attend fitness classes thrice a week. I actively participate in different events, I like to walk, and I find time for it all.

Photo: Mediamax

IT woman should be informed

I believe that a woman working in this industry should always be informed. I mean issues not only of IT, but other spheres as well. Awareness will allow to find solutions through technologies for issues of other spheres.

I follow technological news, but that doesn’t mean I have to own last generation devices.

Photo: Mediamax

I want to point out holoportation from the recent technological inventions. It allows to reconstruct, compress and transmit high-quality 3D models to anywhere in the world in real time. This technology gives an opportunity to see and communicate in 3D format with people who are at a great distance from you. Everything is so real, it seems they are really next to you.

This century belongs to technologies. I advise all women and girls interested in technologies to be brave and enter the industry as soon as possible.

Narine Daneghyan
Photos by Emin Aristakesyan
The interview was taken at El Garden café