07:32 | 25.03.16 | Girls in Tech | exclusive 34977

    Girls in Tech.: Lilit Mkrtchyan

    We pictured exclusively a man when saying “IT specialist in Armenia” a few years ago, but the success of Armenian technological products on international markets and numerous projects promoting startups development made the industry more attractive for women as well in recent times.

    Whether it’s writing code, developing products or making other contribution to the team, the opportunities are numerous.

    On the occasion of International Women’s Day, Itel.am  launches a new series to present Armenian women engaged in IT industry.

    Lilit Mkrtchyan works at SFL as a Front-end developer

    Code writing replaced cybernetics

    When I was applying to the university in 2004 I had no idea that I would become a programmer. I graduated from State Engineering University of Armenia, Department of Cybernetics as a quality specialist. I used to think that cybernetics is a wonderful and perspective field.

    I started programming after graduating from the university. One of my acquaintances that had an IT company offered me to make first steps in their office. I slowly moved forward by working on my skills and I’ve been working at SFL for 2 years now.

    I chose technical field as my logical thinking is advanced. I’m not very good at languages but mathematics is mine. My mother is a math teacher.

    Lilit Mkrtchyan

    Women involvement in global IT is 14%. I believe that men have more advanced logical thinking. Most of the students at my university were men.

    If you are undertaking this specialty you have to devote a lot of time to it as you can be told that something is not right and it needs to be changed any time.

    Programmer women have more flexible way of thinking and willpower compared with others.

    I never leave the job unfinished

    I never leave the job unfinished. I have to finish something to go on with another thing. I think it’s a characteristic feature: I strive to realize my goals. I am a perfectionist and try to do everything perfectly.

    Lilit Mkrtchyan

    IT is a peculiar field. A lot of project managers, designers, human resources and administrative people work here who have no need to write a code.

    If you are able to write codes, you are able to cooperate with the team more easily.

    I have no special brand preferences. I work on a Mac computer and have a Samsung Galaxy Note 3 phone. I would want to use iWatch from latest technological innovations.

    You shouldn’t choose programing to seem “cool”

    Everyone should do something that is close to his/her heart. I come to work with pleasure and work with pleasure and maybe that’s why it’s successful. You shouldn’t choose programing to seem “cool”.
    Willpower is essential in this field: some people try a couple of times and surrender if they don’t succeed at once. But I can say from my experience that not giving up is the only way to succeed here.

    Narine Daneghyan
    Photos by Emin Aristakesyan