12:52 | 25.01.16 | News | 3765

VivaCell-MTS supports renovation of 10 houses in Aragatsotn marz

As a result of VivaCell-MTS and Fuller Center for Housing Armenia 2015 partnership the construction of 21 half-built houses have been completed and another 19 – renovated; a total of 10 families were assisted in Aragatsotn region.

VivaCell-MTS General Manager Ralph Yirikian and Fuller Center for Housing Armenia President Ashot Yeghiazaryan visited the borderline village of Getap. Through the housing project the Gevorgyans have completely renovated the roof of their house.

The Gevorgyans have lived in a half-century ago built house; the roof has already deteriorated and become porous as a result of which the house was dilapidating.

"I always dreamed of having a decent house. Sometimes it's even more difficult to repair a house than to build it. Years passed by and my children were raised without basic living conditions. In spring, when members from the organization visited us, we did not even have a hope that our family could be included in the program. The renovation of the roof became a stimulus for us to also renovate the bathroom and the kitchen. God bless you!’’ said Sousanna, the family mother.

"For us the published results of the programs implemented throughout last year are not merely numbers: there are human destinies behind them. Only if the families, which, owing to our support, have solved part of their social problems, forgotten the difficult times they have been through and now optimistically look towards the future, can we consider our efforts to have been crowned with success. It is equally important for the elderly, and the children getting raised in those families, and our society in general. Despair deprives people of strength, while we need to be strong as ever," said VivaCell-MTS General Manager Ralph Yirikian.

"Very little is needed for a person to be happy. When one has a decent house with a safe roof the other problems are easier to solve," said Fuller Center for Housing Armenia President Ashot Yeghiazaryan.

In 2015, VivaCell-MTS invested AMD 100 million for the housing project, and the Fuller Center for Housing Armenia has undertaken the implementation of the project. Launched in 2007 the program has assisted 93 families.