12:10 | 23.10.15 | News | 4669

VivaCell-MTS supports providing of drinkable water in Artsvaberd

On October 22 a community event marked the completion of the water infrastructure improvement project implemented 2014 through 2015 in the village of Artsvaberd, which has a 34 km-long border in the east of the country.

The project was made possible through the joint efforts of VivaCell-MTS, the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) and the Foundation for the Preservation of Wildlife and Cultural Assets (FPWC).

“We consider it as our duty to relieve the burden of rural communities and make the life a little easier for them by participating in initiatives aimed at offering solutions to vital everyday problems, such as the problem of potable water. When one of the family members is in trouble, all the family unites, encourages him and spares no effort to support him in overcoming the difficulties. Armenia is our home, and borderline villages are its most vulnerable parts as the “live shields” of the country. We ought to stand by our sisters and brothers living in borderline villages just the same way as they defend us, protecting the borders of our country,” VivaCell-MTS General Manager Ralph Yirikian said.

As part of the project, Artsvaberd’s deteriorated pump station, which had been out of use for around 16 years, was renovated. Two new energy efficient pumps with capacity of transferring 4 liters of water per second and new metal doors were installed in the station coupled with interior renovation works. In the frames of the water supply improvement project also a 7,62km water pipeline and a 4,82km internal network pipeline were constructed. The latter and water pressure control valves were used to divide the internal network into zones that will help control the excessive pressure, reduce the water leakage and decrease the possibility of network breakdowns. Also, a reserve pipeline that can transfer 4-5 liters of water per second and a water intake station were modernized. The 370-ton daily regulatory reservoir also underwent capital renovation and can now store all the water transmitted by the two water pipelines, ensuring a 24-hour water supply to the residents. In addition, all the sanitary protection zones were fenced.

The installation of water meters is currently underway and will help save water and compute water usage. Thanks to these efforts, the village’s longstanding potable water supply issue has been resolved and the people of Artsvaberd will no longer have to carry water from a spring or collect rain water for different household purposes.

As a result of the project implemented in the frame of the three-sided agreement, the drinking water problem will be solved in Lukashin and Arazap villages of Armavir region, and Berkaber and Artsvaberd villages of Tavush region.

The project has benefitted a total of 6,800 residents in these four communities. VivaCell-MTS and USAID have allocated 70 million AMD and 60 million AMD, respectively, for the implementation of the project.