15:54 | 15.04.15 | News | 4168

Ucom employees establish alley in Tsitsernakaberd

“Memorial” alley established by Ucom employees opened in Tsitsernakaberd today.

The company noted that the alley stretches along the road of the Genocide Museum and the grove leading to the Sports and Music Complex.

Ucom CEO Hayk Yesayan recalled that a year ago the company initiated Recognize1915.am project aimed at raising global awareness of the Armenian Genocide.

“Within the framework of Recognize1915 project, Ucom employees have established an alley stretching along the road to the Genocide Museum. 999 trees were planted. Each of Ucom employees has thus paid his tribute to the innocent victims of the Armenian Genocide as trees are the symbol of life, hope and faith in the future,” he said.