15:49 | 10.03.15 | News | 4722

    Beeline awarded with diplomas for civil defense activities

    Yerevan Center of Beeline Technical Network Operation Unit was awarded 2 diplomas for their works in civil defense over 2014.

    Armenian Ministry of Territorial Administration and Emergency Situations granted a diploma to the Center for their active participation in trainings in Yerevan, preventing emergency situations and reducing possible outcomes, quick and prompt response as well as close cooperation with the Armenian Ministry of Territorial Administration and Emergency Situations.

    The Center was also awarded a diploma by Yerevan Mayor’s Office for their activities in civil defense, preventing emergency situations, reducing possible outcomes and prompt response as well as organizing and holding of civil society events in civil defense.

    “As a leading telecommunication operator, Beeline attaches importance to holding of civil defense events to raise public awareness and prevent emergency situations. I am very thankful to Yerevan Mayor’s Office and Armenian Ministry of Territorial Administration and Emergency Situations for their trust and assessment. Beeline will go on taking an active part in civil defense events which will create more secure living conditions for Yerevan and marz residents changing their lives for the better”, said Beeline Armenia CEO Andrey Pyatakhin.

    Yerevan Civil Defense Communication Service was set up in 2010 to ensure holding of civil defense events. The capacities and means required for addressing civil defense issues are based on the subdivisions of Yerevan Center of Beeline Technical Network Operation Unit