15:07 | 09.07.14 | News | 2564

Beeline offers unlimited internet roaming in Georgia for AMD90 a day

Beeline launched a new offer of unlimited internet roaming in Georgia. On July 7 - September 30, subscribers in roaming will be able to use Unlimited Internet Light service upon joining Beeline network in Georgia. The service is available for prepaid subscribers, the subscriber fee makes AMD90 a day.

To activate the service, you should dial*930#, and preliminarily activate the roaming services with #351*0000# request.

“In the full swing of the vacation season, Beeline keeps making new profitable roaming offers to its customers. We chose the most popular country for vacation- Georgia- where our subscribers will have internet connection at the same price as in Armenia”, said Beeline CEO in Armenia Andrey Pyatakhin.

Beeline customers who use Light, Pro and MegaPro mobile internet in Armenia don’t have to activate the service again. After the roaming activation, it will be available upon connection to Beeline network. There is no subscriber fee for the service.