17:22 | 30.06.14 | News | 3321

    Beeline employees take part in voluntary donation campaign

    Over 30 Beeline employees took part in the voluntary donation campaign. On June 26-27, Beeline employees donated blood in the Hematology Center after Professor R. Yeolyan, which will be used to treat the Center’s children.

    “Taking part in the donation campaign is a purely personal and voluntary decision and I am very proud of Beeline staff for their participation and response once again. I completely share the opinion of one of our employees who told me after donating blood today is a symbolic day full of positive emotions due to his being conscious of helping save someone’s life”, said Beeline CEO Andrey Pyatakhin.

    In her turn, Deputy Director of Blood Service at Hematology Center after Professor R. Yeolyan Marina Kamalyan thanked Beeline employees noting that the company has greatly contributed to the progress of blood donation movement in Yerevan. She also stated that all blood components have already been gathered and delivered to the Center’s patients.

    According to her, 400ml of blood can be simultaneously taken from each blood donor without any health risks; the procedure can be repeated once or twice a year. In order for the country to sustain its blood needs for transfusion, it is important that 40 out of 1000 people regularly donate blood.

    “As of today, there are around 12.000 regular donors in Armenia; only 4.7% of them donate their blood voluntarily”, said Marina Kamalyan.