17:14 | 04.04.14 | News | 3639
The Foundation for the Preservation of Wildlife and Cultural Assets (FPWC) together with its General Partner VivaCell-MTS is launching a new joint project, which aims at preventing and/or reducing pollution and protecting the environment to allow the target villages to use alternative energy sources.
VivaCell-MTS will provide AMD 70mln for the realization of the project launched in Tsovagyugh community.
This ten month long project will be implemented in four communities of the Gegharkunik, Ararat and Tavush regions and contains two components: offering capacity trainings for local villagers and offering locals access to renewable energy (solar driven water pumps, electric fences, solar heating) and supporting them in the usage.
The parties are convinced that the renewable energy technologies can enhance energy efficiency of households as well as improve environmental and social issues of the target communities.
“This project aims at improving the living conditions for the community based on environmental friendly approaches and sustainable use of biodiversity”,-commented VivaCell-MTS General Manager Ralph Yirikian.