13:21 | 04.04.14 | News | 3211

    ArmenTel continues to improve communication infrastructure in regions

    ArmenTel (Beeline trademark) continues to digitize telephone exchanges and subscriber lines of phone network in Armenian regions. In particular, in Artavan community located in the west of Aragatsotn provide works on the modernization of fixed network were launched.

    ArmenTel will complete works on building the digital station and digitizing the numbers of fixed network and changing the equipment before April 15 this year; it will allow offering Artavan residents high-quality services if fixed network and broadband Internet access.

    “As one of the largest integrated operators in the Country, we are constantly investing significant amount of money to modernize and introduce high-tech equipment. I am proud to say that due to these investments the level of fixed network digitization allows to list Armenia among the most technologically advanced countries in Western Europe. Moreover, by investing in the wired infrastructure ArmenTel is increasing the quality of its services making them more convenient and easy for Beeline subscribers”, said ArmenTel CEO Andrey Pyatakhin.

    As of late 2013, Yerevan fixed phone network is digitized by 100%. Overall, the index makes 86% in the entire country.