16:13 | 05.03.14 | News | 3680

    Two contests launched within British Film Festival

    ArmenTel (Beeline trademark) and the British Council announced the launch of “With Us, Beside Us” and the best review contests today.

    The contests are held within the framework of the 12th British Film Festival. The festival is dedicated to inclusion and communication problems this year.

    To take part in the best review contest, participants should write a review on a film featured in the festival and upload it on the British Council’s special website – www.britishcouncil.am – before March 17. The reviews will be assessed by the members of Armenian Association of Film Critics and Cinema Journalists. The author of the best review will be awarded Apple iPad, and the winners of the second and third places will receive prizes.

    “With Us, Beside Us” photo contest is held on the British council’s official Facebook page. The winner will be awarded a photo camera and the rest of contests participants will receive gifts. To take part in the contest, participants should take a photo reflecting the idea of inclusion in the society and send it to Norayr.Yerznkyan@britishcouncil.am before March 16.

    The winners of the “With Us, Beside Us” contests will be selected by the special jury comprised of professional photographers. Both the notional peculiarities and the professionalism will be taken into account upon the selection. 

    “As a socially responsible company, “ArmenTel” remains loyal to its strategy and continues the implementation of projects aimed at changing the life of people for the better. We support the British Film Festival as it is aimed not only at the rapprochement of cultures but also at the solution of social issues. The contests organized within the festival grant a special opportunity to call the attention of the society to the communication issues people living around them face”, stated First Deputy of ArmenTel CEO Merujan Mikaelyan.

    It should be noted that British Film Festival is organized by the British Council, British Embassy in Yerevan and UNICEF. “ArmenTel” is the festival’s general sponsor.

    For more details concerning the contests held within 12th British Film Festival visit www.britishcouncil.am.