13:28 | 06.02.14 | News | 4128

VivaCell-MTS's Dual Carrier HSDPA network ensures coverage for over 86% of the population of Armenia

VivaCell-MTS announced today that throughout 2013 it covered 612 settlements across Armenia with the Dual Carrier HSDPA network with download speeds of up to 42.2 Mbps.

The Dual Carrier HSDPA technology commenced operation on January, 2012, initially, and included Yerevan, Gyumri and Vanadzor.

Overall, VivaCell-MTS rolled-out 42.2 Mbps Dual Carrier HSDPA in 615 locations (48 towns and 567 villages) in Armenia.

In 2013, Dual Carrier HSDPA was implemented in all over Tavush, Gegharquniq, Lori, Kotayk, Aragatsotn and Shirak regions as well as in all towns of Ararat, Armavir, Syunik and Vayots Dzor regions.

As of today, the Dual Carrier HSDPA network ensures coverage for over 86% of the population of Armenia, with the plans for future expansion in all populated areas.