14:13 | 02.04.13 | News | 3921

    Armenian sights to be available on smartphone apps

    Yerevan/Mediamax/.  Black Sea Silk Road Corridor ( BSSRC) program which involves Armenia, Georgia and Turkey started today.

    President of Armenian Monuments Awareness Project  (AMAP) Richard Ney said that the two-year initiative consists of 2 phases: the whole route will be outlined within the first year and information desks will be installed in the sights of the countries, Mediamax reports.

    The second phase of the program will comprise development of 5 apps for smartphones and an electronic portal will be launched. More than 100 enterprises - hotels, tourism agencies etc - will be involved in the online guide.

    The Armenian route will include 43 sites in Yerevan, Shirak, Aragatsotn, Kotayk, Gegharkunik, Vayots Dzor and Syunik marzes.

    In Armenia, the project is funded by the EU Black Sea Cross Border Cooperation framework, USAID through its EDMC Project, and AMAP as the lead implementer. Over EUR1.2mln will be allocated to the two countries for implementation of the program and Armenian share will make EUR325 thousand.

    U.S. Ambassador to Armenia John Heffern attached importance to the implementation of the program from the standpoint of regional cooperation. According to him, cooperation of various structures is also critical.

    The program aims to promotion of local (rural) services and make the information on Armenian monuments and sights more available to tourists.