16:20 | 04.03.13 | News | 4227

British Film Festival starts in Yerevan

The solemn opening of 11th British Film Festival was held in Yerevan last Saturday.

British Film Festival 11th Edition is organized by the British Council with the support of the British Embassy Yerevan and ArmenTel (brand name Beeline), the company reported.

The United Nations General Assembly declared 2013 as the United Nations International Year of Water Cooperation. 11th Edition of the British Film Festival joins the initiative and presents films aiming to raise awareness of the shortage of water.

"The Festival started today is an excellent opportunity to present to the Armenian people the best samples of British cinematography. Cinematography is an effective tool which allows presenting the vision of British film directors on settling global issues which the modern world encounters", said Director of British Council in Armenia Arevik Saribekyan.

"The topic of renewable water resources and drinkable water is being discussed all over the world rather actively and it's urgent in Armenia as well. We all love our country and carefully threat the nature, and the Festival is another chance to call the society's attention to the topic. I think it's very important that not only specialized organizations but art representatives aim to settle  environmental issues", said ArmenTel spokeswoman Anush Begloyan.

Within the British Film Festival, 9 films shot by British film makers will be shown in Moscow cinema house at 16:00 and 18:00 on March 2-7 and Nairi cinema house - 14:30 and 16:30 on March 8-10. The entrance is free of charge.