01:07 | 29.11.12 | Interviews | exclusive 143377

    Sergey Martynov: \"Mail.Ru Email Service absolutely dominates on the Armenian market\"

    Last week, Mail.Ru Mail Service announced the translation of its interface into Armenian. Mediamax asked the head of Mail.Ru Mail Service Sergey Martynov to comment on this.

    - How many users does Mail.Ru Mail Service have in Armenia and what does its growth dynamics look like?

    - Popularity of Mail.Ru Mail Service is growing. Over the recent year, the volume of the daily audience of the Home Page and Mail Service of Mail.Ru in Armenia grew by over 40% (according to LiveInternet data). According to our internal data, the monthly audience of Mail.Ru Email Service in Armenia makes about 300 thousand unique visitors.

    - Who is the most serious competitor for Mail.Ru Mail Service in Armenia?

    - According to the Mail.Ru Group survey conducted with GFK in 2012, Mail.Ru Mail Service absolutely dominates on the Armenian market - it is used by 77% of all the owners of personal mailboxes. Shares of other email services don't exceed 10% of users.

    - Armenia is not a large market and in the foreseeable future the growth of audience will slow down or cease. Will you take up any additional steps to maintain your base in Armenia?

    - According to InternetWorldStats data, the level of internet penetration in Armenia currently makes about 60% that's why the country still has a growth potential. Of course, the growth will be maintained at the expense of small cities as well as older people.

    Increase in time on the network is another growth point. The users will have even more access points to the network - on the one hand, now almost everyone has the broadband access both at home and in the office. On the other hand, the number of mobile connections rises conditioned by faster types of mobile internet and smartphones. The number of mobile connections will only grow in the future. For instance, according to the data provided by "Svyaznoy", 28% use smartphones in Russia and the figure is forecasted to make already 80% in only 3 years.

    - Are you going to create definite targeted content on the site for especially Armenian audience of Mail.Ru besides translation into the Armenian language?

    - Undoubtedly, CIS countries are priority for us in terms of localization of Mail.Ru Group services. This year, Odnoklassniki and interface of the Mail Service have already been translated into Armenian. In the nearest future, Armenian residents will be able to learn currency exchange rates and local news on Mail.Ru.