17:52 | 06.03.12 | News | 3295

    Orange presents double internet offer on Women’s Day

    Yerevan/Mediamax/. Starting from today and until April 7, when subscribing to Internet Now 9000, 11000 or 20000 tariff plan or MyFi 10,000, 12,000 and 21,000 tariff plans or prolonging the existing contract for one year, Orange customers will get double high speed traffic during following 12 months, and even will be able to share it with close ones.

    In addition to double high speed traffic, all Orange Internet subscribers will get two additional Internet Together Service SIM cards with the price of one throughout the period of “women’s month”.

    Orange has prepared a present for all girls and women, who will subscribe for internet on March 8th. Only on this day, Orange Internet female subscribers will receive 2 GB USB flash memory stick presents.

    All details on the offer can be found at Orange Armenia web page: http://orangearmenia.am/en/internet/