15:03 | 30.05.11 | News | 4321

    Orange Armenia named the winner of the innovation student competition

    Yerevan/Mediamax/. 4th year student of the Faculty of Computer Science and Applied Mathematics of Yerevan State University (YSU) David Vardanyan became the winner of the innovation student competition of Orange Armenia.

    Mediamax reports that as a prize, the author of the e-voting project received the chance to undergo a paid 6-month internship, during which he will work over an innovative project in one of the scientific-research Orange Labs in France.

    Orange Armenia CEO Bruno Duthoit said that the jury of the competition, which consisted of 11 people, marked the high level of David Vardanyan’s technical knowledge, as well as the marketing originality of the project. “David also presented the spheres, where his project can be really applied”, Bruno Duthoit said.

    The jury also highly assessed the work of YSU Radio-physics faculty student Gevorg Poghosyan. Orange Armenia suggested him passing in internship in the company. Gevorg Poghosyan presented a project on the use of new approaches for short messages. The company does not rule out the chance to use that project in its practice.

    Students of YSU and State Engineering University of Armenia (SEUA), as well as the students of those two universities’ branches, took part in Orange Armenia competition, which was taking place from March 4 to April 20.