14:33 | 07.04.11 | News | 3298

    “ArmenTel” continues helping people with special needs

    Yerevan/Mediamax/. “ArmenTel” CJSC (Beeline trademark) and Philatelpia Organization continue cooperation in order to solve the problems of children with special needs.

    Due to the help of “ArmenTel” Company, in the first year of cooperation, “Philatelpia” public organization realized projects on building awareness of the population on the problems of children with special needs, rendered social and psychological assistance to parents, realized a number of practical assistance programs.

    “As a united connection company, “ArmenTel” continues implementation of programs, aiming at use of high technologies in the social sphere and attaches special importance to projects for integrating children with special needs to the society”, General Director of “ArmenTel” CJSC Igor Klimko said.