09:30 | 24.03.11 | News | 3616
Yerevan/Mediamax/. Union of IT Companies of Armenia (UITE) announced organization of meetings of high tech companies and representatives of various sectors of Armenian economy aiming at familiarizing the latter with the advantages, which can be provided by information technologies.
Mediamax was informed in the press service of UITE that within the framework of the event, thematic meetings will be organized every month. During those meetings businessmen will be able to familiarize themselves with technologic solutions they are interested in, as well as discuss the requirements towards new technologies in conditions of the constantly changing market.
Meetings will be held with representatives of the following spheres: banks, construction, medicine, insurance, pharmaceutics, mining, foodstuff and non-food industry, jewelry, trade, transport, tourism, agriculture and education.
For the first time meetings within the framework of the given initiative will take place with representatives of the banking sector on March 25 and 31 at 10:00 in the session hall of the Union of Armenian banks on the sixth floor, 19a Koryun Street, Yerevan.
During the meeting, iCON Communications, GNC-Alfa, Norq, CQG, IMA, Shirak Technologies/SAP, Apaga Technologies, FlexAp, McAfee, EpygiArm, ArmSoft, Lime Tech, CHS Vericell, Damaris, Smart Tech and Alfa/Polycom companies will present their offers to banks.
The meeting will take place given support of the Union of Banks and the Central Bank of Armenia.