16:40 | 22.02.11 | News | 6822

Orange presented new portative 3G/WiFi router

Yerevan/Mediamax/. Orange Company presented a new portative 3G/WiFi router (router modem) in Yerevan today. It allows sharing internet traffic among five devices.

As the General Director of Orange Armenia Bruno Duthoit informed at the presentation, “the company continues making innovative offers in the market of internet services of Armenia”.

“The new MyFi offer is simple and affordable both in terms of use and in terms of tariff plans. The portative 3G/WiFi router was presented a year ago within the framework of OrangeExpo and was a success among the visitors”, Bruno Duthoit stated.

Orange Armenia Marketing Director Aram Mkrtchyan stated that “this is a small, nice and revolutionary device, which will change the perception of internet”.

According to him, the ordinary perception of WiFi is related to a certain place (a café, office, etc), however the new routers will allow using the WiFi internet even in a car.

Aram Mkrtchyan stated that the company has elaborated 4 special tariff plans, the details of which are presented at: http://orangearmenia.am/internet/myfi/tariffs/.