10:23 | 24.01.11 | News | 3082

    Beeline expands the line of regional tariff plans for corporate clients

    Yerevan/Mediamax/. Beeline launched new pre-paid regional tariff plans for corporate clients.

    “Business-Aragatsotn”, “Business-Ararat”, “Business-Vayots Dzor”, Business-Gegharkunik”, “Business-Kotayk”, “Business-Lori”, “Business-Tavush” and “Business-Shirak” tariff plans allow the subscribers who are in their “home” regions, to make calls within their tariff plan for 0 dram per minute, within Beeline mobile network for AMD 10/minute, to Beeline landline network for AMD 20/ minute, to other Armenian mobile networks for AMD30/ minute.

    If the subscriber is out of his “home” region, the cost of the outgoing call makes: within his tariff plan-AMD 10 /minute, within the Beeline network - AMD 20/minute, to Beeline landline network- AMD30/minute, to other mobile networks of Armenia and NKR-  AMD40/minute.

    SMS-messages within Beeline network will cost AMD10, to other mobile networks of Armenia and NKR- AMD20, to international networks AMD30. The daily subscriber fee within the above mentioned tariff plans makes AMD 13, 33.

    “We continue introducing attractive tariff plans for corporate clients offering them new possibilities to optimize their telephone expenses.  For instance, being in Shirak marz, the user of “Business-Shirak” tariff plan may communicate with his colleagues within the tariff plan as much as he wants, thus spending no more than 13,33 AMD per day,” ArmenTel” Director General Igor Klimko stated.