10:56 | 29.10.10 | News | 3204

    “Mega Panther” to present its latest products at “DigiTec Expo 2010”

    Yerevan/Mediamax/. “Mega Panther” Company will present software and technology novelties of MegaPay system of instant payments at DigiTec Expo 2010 telecommunication exhibition, which is launching in Yerevan today.

    Mediamax was informed in “Mega Panther” that the visitors of the exhibition will particularly get the chance to get familiar with the latest elaboration of the company, which allows accepting coins. Due to the new elaboration, one will be able to make payments in coins, starting from 100 AMD, via the company’s terminals.

    “Participation in the exhibition will give the opportunity to familiarize numerous visitors with our latest products and demonstrate our readiness to provide maximum convenient payment mechanisms”, Commercial Director of the Company Georgy Khurshudyan stated.