17:32 | 27.10.10 | News | 3539

    Hi Line service is already available in 38 towns of Armenia

    Yerevan/Mediamax/. “ArmenTel” Company (Beeline trademark) announced broadening of Hi Line service geography today.

    Mediamax was informed in the press service of the company that as of the end of October, 2010, the service is available for residents of 38 towns of Armenia. Since the beginning of the year, the list of towns, where Hi Line is available, was particularly replenished by Agarak, Aparan, Artik, Baghramyan, Vardenis, Kajaran, Martuni, Metsamor and Nor Hachn.

    “Over the past few months, “ArmenTel” company has not only significantly expanded the geography of Hi Line service, but also has increased the capacity of the network in settlements, where the service had been available previously, at present, the company is ready to connect at least 100 thousand new subscribers to Hi Line service all over the country. Already for more than a year we have been realizing large-scale programs on providing services of broadband internet access in the capital city and the regions, by which we stimulate even development of information space in the country”, General Director of “ArmenTel” Igor Klimko stated.

    Hi Line service is established on the basis of modern ADSL technology, which provides for high speed access to internet via an ordinary telephone line, leaving it vacant for telephone calls. “ArmenTel” has been providing Hi Line service since 2007. As of the end of 2009, the service was available in 24 towns in Armenia.