11:54 | 25.10.10 | News | 4405
Yerevan/Mediamax/. “VimpelCom” Vice-President on Business Development in CIS countries Dmitri Kromsky believes that due to its versatility, Beeline will remain the leader and trendsetter of quality and price formation in Armenian market of telecommunication services.
Mediamax reports that while communicating with journalists in Yerevan, Dmitri Kromsky noted that “telecommunication industry provides for consistent weighted steps, presence of reserve capacities and never forgives mistakes”.
“ArmenTel” is one of the top employers, taxpayers and investors in Armenia and this is why we demonstrate double responsibility towards the issue of price formation”, “VimpelCom” top manager noted.
Dmitri Kromsky stated that “the main advantage of our service is the fact that our subscriber may have access to the entire range of telecommunication services and to be the first to get access to most advanced technologies in the given sphere”.
“We will consistently develop all directions of our activity and will offer customers new products”, Dmitri Kromsky stated, noting that in Armenia, just like in the entire world, operators pay special attention to developing services of data transfer, growth potential of which is far higher than the growth potential of voice services.
“In the market of internet access, Beeline remains the unconditional leader and continues consolidating its positions. New offers within the framework of Hi Line service have contributed to expansion of the subscriber base in the sector of broadband internet access almost by 60%, as compared to the first quarter of 2010”, Vice-President of “VimpelCom” on Business Development in CIS countries stated.