General Director of “ArmenTel” CJSC Igor Klimko
16:43 | 08.07.10 | News | 3406
Yerevan/Mediamax/. General Director of “ArmenTel” CJSC Igor Klimko was elected Chairman of the newly-established Quality Association of Armenian (QAA).
As the Executive Director of the Union of Employers of Armenia, initiator of QAA Gagik Makaryan stated, 14 major companies are members of the Association.
He noted that the activity of the Association is concordant with the draft strategy for reforming infrastructures of quality, presented recently by the Minister of Economy of Armenia.
Speaking of motives for choosing Igor Klimko for the position of the Association Chairman, Gagik Makaryan noted that “ArmenTel” is consistent as to the issue of improving quality of its services.
Head of “ArmenTel” CJSC Public Relations Service Anush Begloyan noted that “the activity of the company in the sphere of corporate social responsibility is diverse and includes a few directions”.
“We consider assistance in setting up QAA as one of the programs within the framework of our company’s social responsibility”, she stated.