17:45 | 29.06.10 | News | 3623

    Orange Armenia made a clarification regarding its High Upload service

    Yerevan /Mediamax/. Orange Armenia made a clarification regarding its High Upload service today.

    “On June 18th Orange issued a press release about the option High Upload and implementation of HSUPA technologies in Armenia. The company received many enquiries on this topic. Taking into account that the press release caused some misunderstanding, herewith Orange wants to make clarifications. 

    Orange admits the fact that mobile network with HSUPA technologies existed in Armenia before Orange launched its services in Armenia. However, Orange confirms that it is the unique operator today commercially offering broadband modems (Internet Now and Flybox) supporting service of High upload up to 2Mbps on its full 3G+ network upgraded with HSUPA technologies”, company has said in a statement.