15:27 | 18.05.10 | News | 3233

    Beeline launched internet testing demo-zones

    Yerevan /Mediamax/. “ArmenTel” (Beeline trademark), within the framework of improving the quality of service, opens demonstrational zones for internet service testing in sale and consumer service offices of the company.

    Demonstrational zones will help customers, who want to purchase a USB modem, or get connected to Hi Line service, test the speed of internet before registering the agreement. After the purchase, Beeline specialists will set up the modem in accordance with the needs of the subscriber, Mediamax was informed in the press service of the company.

    “As a single connection operator, “ArmenTel” company provides internet access services by various technologies, and such demo-zones allow the customers getting familiar with the service and choose the speed and technology, which meets their requirements”, “ArmenTel” General Director Igor Klimko stated.

    Demo-zones of internet testing are there in 11 sales and customer service offices of Beeline. The geography of the service will be expanded in the nearest future.