13:53 | 12.05.10 | News | 3227

    PSRC issued a reporting form on provision of services by Beeline, VivaCell-MTS and Orange

    Yerevan/Mediamax/. Public Services Regulatory Committee (PSRC) of Armenia issued a reporting form on provision mobile connection services by ArmenTel (Beeline), VivaCell-MTS and Orange Armenia operators.

    The Committee’s Telecommunication Department Head Gevorg Gevorgyan informed at the session today that the new procedure will allow PSRC analyzing mobile connection market and controlling the quality of provided services.

    He said that "before the introduction of the new order, Committee had repeatedly turned to operators for provision of information, and that created certain difficulties for the company, and the new procedure will allow facilitating regulator’ and operators’ relationship in terms of reporting".

    Orange Armenia General Director Bruno Duthoit said that it is a standard form of operators’ and regulator’s functioning, which will allow the regulator entity getting the exact picture of market situation.

    Beeline Legal Service Head David Sandukhchyan stated that this decision will allow PSRC defining the company that occupies dominating position in mobile connection market, as well as carrying out regular monitoring and analysis of the telecommunication sphere.