15:00 | 11.05.10 | News | 3656

    Competition for Symbian, Android and Windows Mobile localization announced in Armenia

    Yerevan/Mediamax/. Armenian branch of “Open Society Institute Assistance Foundation” (OSIAF-Armenia) announced a competition for receiving a grant at the volume of $5000 for elaborating localization of mobile operational systems of Symbian, Android and Windows Mobile.

    Coordinator of OSIAF-Armenia information programs Andranik Markosyan informed Mediamax that the aim of the competition is elaboration of software support, which will allow users of mobile operational systems reading texts and visiting websites in Armenian language.

    Among technical requirements for the competition participants are: open source of the elaborated software support, its easy installation and support for future updates.

    The applications for receiving grants are accepted in OSIAF-Armenia office till May 21, 2010.

    One may get details of the competition at the organization’s website – www.osi.am.