11:38 | 23.04.10 | News | 2964
Yerevan/Mediamax/. Beeline supported the initiative on planting a maple lane in the place, where the detachment of Russian soldiers, who fought together with the Armenian home guards for liberation of Eastern Armenia in the years of the first Russian-Persian War (1801-1813), died.
Mediamax was informed in the press service of “ArmenTel” that the volunteers from “Russian Culture Hearth” public organizations planted 114 trees in Lori marz – according to the number of Russian soldiers, who died.
“As a Russian and a patriot of Armenia, I am proud that Beeline was the one to help in realizing this campaign. I hope that these trees will remind us of the glorious past of our ancestors, will become a symbol of unity and bright future for our brotherly peoples”, General Director of “ArmenTel” Igor Klimko stated.