14:35 | 01.04.10 | News | 3078

    Orange reduced tariffs for “Each Month” service

    Yerevan/Mediamax/. Orange Company announced reduction of tariffs for monthly subscriber service of “Each Month” today.

    As Mediamax was informed in the press service of the company, now the subscribers of “Each Month” may call to numbers of other operators and landline connection at the tariff of 35 AMD per minute of airtime instead of previous 50, 40 and 35 AMD.

    Subscribers of the given service may fully use the monthly payment, using voice and internet services of Orange. For instance, the subscriber of “Each Month 4000” service may use this sum for 100 minutes of airtime for talks with subscribers of other networks and send about 30 SMS in all directions.

    Just like before, tariff plans for Orange’s “Each Month” service offer free conversations with close people, including 1000-1500 free minutes inside the network. After using these minutes, the subscriber gains the chance to talk inside the network at the tariff of 5 AMD per minute of airtime.