13:42 | 31.03.10 | News | 3837

    Orange Armenia announced launch of iPhone sales

    Yerevan/Mediamax/. Orange Armenia announced launch of iPhone official sales today.

    As the General Director of Orange Armenia Bruno Duthoit stated at the presentation today, iPhone 3G and iPhone 3GS with especially elaborated tariff plans will be presented in 32 stores of the company.

    “We want to announce with joy that Orange Armenia Company is the first operator, which presented iPhone in the Armenian market. Due to the huge coverage and wide sales network, Orange subscribers will have the chance to fully enjoy the iPhone and its exclusive opportunities”, Bruno Duthoit stated.

    Since recently, Armenia has become the participant of App Store, where over 150 thousand programs for iPhone are presented.

    Orange Armenia presented fourth special tariff plans for iPhone.

    iPhone tariff plan provides for a monthly subscription at the sum of 4000, 6000, 10 000 and 20 000 AMD.

    Marketing Manager of Orange Armenia Aram Mkrtchyan noted that besides voice services, the cost of the subscriber fee includes services of internet connection, which gives the chance to fully use the capacities of iPhone.

    The details on new tariff plans are presented at www.iphone.orangearmenia.am website.

    The following models of iPhone are presented at Orange Armenia stores:

    iPhone3G    8 GB - 245 000 AMD;
    iPhone3GS 16GB – 299 000 AMD;
    iPhone3GS 32GB – 350 000 AMD.