10:32 | 24.02.10 | News | 4489

“VivaCell-MTS” “crosses borders of Armenia”

“VivaCell-MTS” Company’s General Manager Ralph Yirikian will hold a number of meetings with students and pupils of Armenian origin on February 24-25 in Lebanon. He provided some details on the initiative in an exclusive interview to Mediamax.

- We know that the motto of “VivaCell-MTS” is “Business with Mission”. Can you give proofs that this motto is no longer limited to Armenia only? What does this new initiative aim at?

- In January, when I was in Lebanon, the country I was born in, I met with a group of local Armenian intellectuals. At the meeting, I told them about the programs “VivaCell-MTS” realizes in Armenia for students of various educational institutions. After this meeting, I was proposed to present our practice also to young representatives of the Armenian community of Lebanon, and, having this invitation, we initiated the trip for February 24-25.

Yes, we can state that “VivaCell-MTS” is now crossing the borders. “VivaCell-MTS” will be present in any country of the world, where there are Armenians living. Being a successful company, we want to present our real experience to our young compatriots for them not to be guided by stereotypes and sometimes incorrect ideas about their homeland.

During the years of my childhood and youth, I received knowledge about my homeland too, without seeing it. I visited Armenia already being an adult and I gained much experience here. I want to present the combination of these two to our young compatriots living in the Lebanon.

Our goal is for the Lebanese-Armenian youth to come to Armenia, to breathe the air of our homeland, to eat the bread of our homeland and thus to get to know their homeland better. While saying homeland, I don’t mean only Yerevan, I mean all regions of Armenia.

It is very important to also tell the youth about how our Company was founded, what development stages it underwent, how it managed to form into a single family established on work ethics and human values, and similarly based on mutual respect and responsibility towards society.

- How will you encourage the youth to visit Armenia?

- There are two ways we are going to do that. While in the Lebanon, and during the presentations with the schools draws will take place and students will win round trip ticket to Armenia   taking upon us the expenses for their flight tickets and hotel accommodation. Thus, we will try to eliminate the economic factor as an obstacle along the path of visiting the homeland. This project is as well coordinated with Birthright who elaborated and tailored a well scoped and targeted program for Armenian youth from all over the world to get better acquainted with the Homeland

The second way is our cooperation with “Haykazian” University of Lebanon. Their students will also have the opportunity to pay regular visits to Armenia and get acquainted with our business at VivaCell-MTS. We will sign a cooperation agreement during this visit. This time again, “VivaCell-MTS” is going to cover all expenses.

- It is natural that, being born in Lebanon, you have decided to launch the initiative right there. Can one expect that, given successful results, “VivaCell-MTS” will visit also other countries, where many Armenians live?  

- Basing on the practice and the resonance from this first initiative, we will decide upon our future steps. As I have already mentioned, “VivaCell-MTS” should be in all places, where there are Armenians. The practice of meeting with the Lebanese-Armenian community will be very useful. 

- How did MTS Group respond to this initiative of “VivaCell-MTS”?

- First of all, let’s not forget that “VivaCell-MTS” is a brand with an Armenian heart. And concerning MTS Group we are a part of, the Head Office welcomed our idea. I believe that they will wait for the results of the program with great interest as well. 

- Every time someone presents such ambitious programs, various suppositions and speculations on the “hidden goals” of this or that program come up. What will you say concerning this issue?

- We consider this initiative to be one of our steps within the framework of corporate social responsibility. If the criticizers can make their contribution, let them join us too. What “VivaCell-MTS” does is based on internal faith. We believe in what we do.  If we have the chance to present our experience and encourage the Armenian youth in other countries to come to their homeland, why not do that? By doing so we don’t pursue any material benefit.