10:04 | 14.12.09 | News | 3662

    Telcell pleased with the start of the project for payment of fines for the Traffic Police

    Yerevan /Mediamax/. One can state with confidence that Telcell’s project on payment of fines for the Traffic Police has been successful.

    Executive Director of “TelCell” CJSC Aram Azatyan said this in an interview to Mediamax.

    Telcell payment system announced the launch of a new service on October 30: payment of fines for the Traffic Police via self-service terminals.

    “The number of customers registered within the first two weeks exceeded the most optimistic forecasts”, Aram Azatyan stated. One can get registered by making a single telephone call to Telcell customers’ service center, and the entire procedure takes 30 seconds.

    Answering the question on the reaction of the Traffic Police to Telcell’s innovative offer, Aram Azatyan stated:

    “We made the offer, presented the pilot project, and the agreement was signed. There are professionals in the Traffic Police, who immediately realized the advantages and the convenience of paying fines via self-service terminals, and we managed to achieve results by joint efforts. Using the opportunity, I would like to thank our partners for cooperation”.

    Executive Director of “TelCell” CJSC noted that the project was quite a complex and non-standard one. “In the process of its implementation, tasks, such as setting up a single system of fine payment with instantaneous registration of payers, transferring the financial means to the state budget, transferring data to the Traffic Police database and many others were solved”, Aram Azatyan stated.

    He reminded that, while paying a fine through Telcell terminal, one does not need to present a receipt to the Traffic Police.