13:54 | 26.10.09 | News | 3174

“Corporate Social Responsibility” workshop in process in Yerevan

Yerevan /Mediamax/. “Corporate Social Responsibility” (CSR) workshop, devoted to ecology, launched in Yerevan today, provided support of VivaCell-MTS Company.

Mediamax reports that during the workshop, which will be completed on October 28, the international experts in the sphere of CSR will present to business circles of Armenia the importance of their participation in improving the country’s ecology.

The workshop is held by Professor of Rotterdam School of Management and “Erasmus” University Teunis Willem Hardjono, Head of CSR project of the German Bertelsmann Foundation Anna Peters and Ukrainian expert Vasily Abuzov.

The workshop takes place within the framework of “Child Sun” Ecology Festival and is organized by the Foundation for the Preservation of Wildlife and Cultural Assets given support of UN Global Compact Armenia program and GTZ (German Technical Assistance) program.