15:35 | 18.03.09 | News | 4479
Yerevan /Mediamax/. Microsoft Representative Office in Armenia (Microsoft RA) announced today the start of realization of BizSpark program in the country starting April 1 to support beginner IT companies.
Mediamax reports that the Head of Armenian Representative Office of Microsoft Grigor Barseghyan stated at a news conference today that companies, involved in the sphere of programming and ones, which plan to develop their own program products, may participate in the program. “The age of participant companies should not exceed 3 years, and the turnover - $500 thousands”, Grigor Barseghyan stated.
The program provides for free of charge provision of program packages, necessary for elaborating products, by Microsoft to companies, as well as the right for free use of the servers for three years.
Grigor Barseghyan informed that besides technical support, Armenian Representative Office of Microsoft is ready to render the companies consultation support, noting that the products, elaborated by companies within the framework of BizSpark program aiming at promotion in the market, will be placed at Microsoft websites.
“Enterprise Incubator Foundation” is the partner f Microsoft RA in realizing BizSpark program in Armenia. Director of the Foundation Bagrat Yengibaryan noted that the program will render significant assistance to developing IT sector in Armenia and will push groups of young programmers, who prefer to work in the shadow, to registering their enterprises to participate in the program.