16:31 | 29.07.21 | News | 6883

One more family to complete house construction with support from Viva-MTS

Viva-MTS and Fuller Center for Housing Armenia are helping the Nersisyans living in Ashtarak town of Aragatsotn region to complete the construction of the family house.

“For years, we have kept the socially vulnerable group in the focus of this program. Yet, the situation has forced us change our approach this year: we now have the families who have lost their homes in the war, too. Some of them are starting their lives from scratch, now for the third time. I have to admit, it is oftentimes psychologically hard to inspire optimism in them. In some other cases, we meet families, whose willpower serves us a role model in overcoming hardships. They show commitment to work, to fight and to succeed by all means. Each and every one of us shall act like that – never get broken, get united, and make our country flourish in an everyday effort, by creating and building,” said Viva-MTS General Manager Ralph Yirikian.

Fuller Center for Housing Armenia President Ashot Yeghiazaryan has stated that construction works continue in all marzes. “Somewhere fast, in other places in a relatively slow way, but the works continue with steady progress. It is always nice to see the enthusiasm of families when building a house. It also gives strength to those around. This family has faced hardships, but we see that their will is unbreakable,” he noted.

In 2021, Viva-MTS plans to allocate AMD 225 million for the implementation of the housing program, from which 84 families will benefit.